The Real Brahmi- A Herbal Brain Tonic
Bacopa monnieri vs Centella asiatica
Brahmi is famously known as Brain Tonic because of its memory-boosting properties. Phytomedicines in Brahmi are known to have several health benefits. But if you try to google for Brahmi, you will see two different plants come up with the same name. So which one is real Brahmi, the brain tonic?
Centella asiatica
This is Centella asiatica. It is also known as Gotu Kola, Brahmi, Indian pennywort, and Asiatic pennywort. But is it the real Brahmi? The answer is no. Even though both Centella asiatica asiatica and Bacopa monnieri plants are medicinally important they are different species.
Bacopa monnieri Brahmi Plant
This second plant is the real Brahmi. Its scientific name is Bacopa monnieri but it is also known as waterhyssop, Brahmi, thyme-leafed gratiola, herb of grace, Indian pennywort. This is the real Brahmi plant.
Both these plants are found almost worldwide. They are present in Africa, North America, South America, Asia, Australia, Europe
Health Benefits Centella asiatica vs Bacopa monnieri
Many traditional remedies use Brahmi as a brain tonic to improve memory and are added to various dietary supplements. Some animal studies indicate that the long-term supplementation with bacosides showed therapeutic value against the rapid degeneration associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Brahmi may be useful for encouraging liver function following toxin damage. It also reduces gastric ulcers and promotes healing of wound healing. There are studies that indicate the efficacy of bacoside present in Bacopa monnieri in protecting newborns from hypoglycemia-induced brain damage. Researchers have discovered that bacosides also may be helpful for enhancing the benefits of morphine while reducing the “high”, thus decreasing the risk for dependence offer protective benefits for organs commonly affected by opiate toxicity.
Centella asiatica or Gotu kola, like Brahmi, is also considered to increase brain power. Some studies indicate that the phytomedicines in Gotu kola help to curb lung cancer cells due to their antiproliferative properties.
Both these herbs are rich sources of antioxidants and contain calcium, vitamins, and microelements.
Here I would like to share something with you. You must be seeing many companies worldwide are selling products containing these ancient herbs. These herbs are processed and packaged in powder, tablet, or liquid forms. The amount in these medicines or the way it is processed is not always reviewed by FDA. So it is really hard to know if these formulations are completely safe.
The other thing is both these plants are aquatic or semiaquatic. If you want to use them as food or medicine, it is important that you try and grow them organically. Aquatic plants absorb the pollutants in the water very easily and hence if it is grown in water polluted with chemicals then it might do more damage than help.
Centella asiatica/ Gotu Kola (Toxicity)
Gotu Kola contains a phytochemical saponocide that includes Brahmic acid. The chemical is found to cause infertility in both humans and rats. For epileptic patients on medication, it can interfere with the effects of the medicines reducing the efficacy of the epilepsy medicines. Similarly, patients taking diabetic medication also have to be careful while taking such herbal medicines as they tend to affect the blood glucose level. Excessive consumption of Gotu Kola can cause headaches and transient unconsciousness. Consuming Gotu kola for more than 6 weeks can lead to abortion. Some people may be allergic to Gotu kola and develop rashes on contact.
Bacopa monnieri Toxicity
There is only limited research available on the toxicity of Bacopa monnieri and it either doesn’t prove any toxicity or there is insufficient research to find out any other possible side effects or toxic dosage. But again, we know that anything in excess is toxic.
Differences in Taste
Tastewise, they are quite different. Bacopa monneri doesn’t have any taste. It is included in various dishes such as salads, refreshing juices, sambol/ chutney, and also in a stir fry.
The real Brahmi plant is bitter-tasting and used for mainly medicinal purposes. But still, it is also used in stir fry and juices in various Indian recipes.
Differences in Appearance
Now that we have seen the benefits of both these plants, let’s see how these plants look different in appearance.
Both Centella asiatica and Bacopa monnieri grow in marshlands. That means they love water and creep on water or wetland.
The stems and roots of Centella asiatica are sturdier than Bacopa monnieri. Brahmi has very delicate stems. So you have to be more careful while handling them.
Leaves of Centella asiatica are perfectly round in shape and BMoblong or oval in shape.
Gotu kola flowers appear in clusters and they are tiny white to light purple in color.
Brahmi on the other hand develop single flowers. They are also white to purple in color.